Student Bar Association
Mission Statement
The Student Bar Association (SBA) is the official resource and liaison for the student body in matters involving the school administration, faculty, and student services at University of Denver College of Law. SBA Senators serve on External Committees, which address specific facets of law school operations (such as Curriculum or Admissions), and Internal Committees, which primarily focus on student body issues and events.
The SBA provides leadership for professional and social co-curricular and extracurricular activities, and seeks to enhance the academic atmosphere of the school. This takes many forms: programs whereby students provide academic assistance to one another, guest lectures on timely subjects, forum discussions in a field of law or area of controversy and other areas of interest. Additionally, SBA plans the occasional social events for the student body.
Finally, SBA is also the umbrella student organization on the law school campus. We provide funding, authorization, and guidance for student groups.
Membership and Resources
All persons enrolled in the Sturm College of Law are members of the Student Bar Association. Each member of the student body is automatically a member of SBA by virtue of registration in the Sturm College of Law. All members of the SBA pay a Student Activity Fee each term they are enrolled. The fee payment is required to enable the SBA Senate to fulfill its purpose.
Member Resources
Go to the Student Organization Resources page for information regarding event planning, advertising your event, student organization logos, ordering promotional items, and many other resources!
SBA Recognized Organizations
For a full list of current SBA recognized organizations see the Student Organizations webpage.
- SBA meetings take place on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
- All SBA meetings take place in Room 125 or join via Zoom.
- If you would like to present an issue to the SBA Senate, please e-mail by noon on Monday to be placed on the Agenda.
Click here to view minutes from past SBA meetings.
- Constitution
SBA Senate Members
2023-2024 SBA Senate
President: Dévi Stone Chung
Full-Time Vice President: Juniper Loomis
Part-Time Vice President: Mariah England
Treasurer: Brianna Mendez
Secretary: Maya Cemper-Walker
SBA Liason to ABA: Gulnara Anzarova
3L Full-Time Senator: Isabella Dietrich
3L Part-Time Senator: Emily Garlock
2L Full-Time Senator: Gisselle Moreno
2L Full-Time Senator: Shay Schulz
2L Part-Time Senator: Jonathan Laurel
1L Senator: Angela George
1L Senator: Michaela McTee
1L Senator: Lilli WarrenPast Presidents
2022-2023 President: Camille Moore
2021-2022 President: Leonela Urrutia
2020-2021 President: Tempest Cantrell
SBA Committees
ABA Committee
Coordinates with the American Bar Association to better communicate between them and the University of Denver Sturm College of Law on issues affecting both entities.
Community Outreach/Fundraising Committee
- Connect the DU Sturm College of Law SBA with resources, people, departments, organizations, and entities within and outside of the law school;
- Advance SBA goals in all communications; and
- Initiate and support community service projects in order to advance the well-being of DU Law students and the greater community.
Elections Committee
Facilitates the election cycle for both the 1L’s in the Fall and the Student Bar Association in the Spring by overseeing the nomination, campaigning and election periods on campus.
Finance Committee
- Discusses travel and speaker requests submitted by student organizations and submits a recommendation to the full SBA Senate for final approval. For more information, contact the SBA Treasurer at
- SBA Finance Regulation — Review these regulations for instructions on completing the Annual Budget Request.
Forms (download, complete, and submit to
- Discusses travel and speaker requests submitted by student organizations and submits a recommendation to the full SBA Senate for final approval. For more information, contact the SBA Treasurer at
Health & Wellness Committee
The Committee on Health and Wellness exists to identify and address issues that impact student well-being. The Committee takes a whole-person approach to these issues. We engage in advocacy and programming.
- Grading reform: Stress and anxiety around grades takes a high cost on students. The Committee will engage with other committees to advance a more humane and equitable system of measuring student performance
- Partnering with other Committees to survey students about the impacts of COVID 19, presenting student needs to faculty and administration; and advocating for student needs
- Address the often-unspoken issues of sexual harassment and assault on campus
- Shift law school culture to encourage collaboration, mutual care, diversity, and belonging.
- Offer services that meet student needs including mental health services, wellness activities, access to COVID 19 relief, and basic needs assistance
- Engage students in programming that addresses both personal and public health issues including substance use, mental health, sexual/reproductive health, and interpersonal violence prevention.
- Reduce the stigma of law students seeking support for mental health or substance use
Social Committee
- Work with the student organizations, their leaders, and Student Affairs to facilitate collaboration on community events.
- Supervise the recognition of new student organizations and shall work with the S.B.A. President, student organization leaders, and Student Affairs to facilitate calendaring of student organization sponsored events.
- Coordinate social events approved by the Senate.
- Maintain the S.B.A. social media accounts active with current information for students, important reminders, and announcements.
- Ensure that all social activities undertaken by the S.B.A. are carried out in a manner prescribed by the S.B.A. Senate.
Diversity Committee
- Foster a campus where all are welcome and supported. The Committee shall
- Serve as the liaison between the University of Denver, Sturm College of Law administration, faculty, members, and diverse students and other students therein.
- Work with affinity groups, other faculty, staff, students, and alumni to ensure that every member on campus is supported by the community at large.
Part-Time Committee
The Part-Time Committee shall be composed by a Part-Time Committee Chair and up to three other Senate members appointed by the President. The President may also appoint non-Senate members from the S.B.A. to serve on the committee.