Law: ACS Panel: Amendment A and Colorado's Forced Prison Labor

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April 4

6:00pm - 9:00pm

Frank H. Ricketson Law Bldg, Room 290

Audience: Current Student

ACS Panel: Amendment A and Colorado's Forced Prison Labor 

Please Join the DU Law American Constitution Society at 6 pm on April 4th for a panel to discuss the issue of constitutional slavery. This issue is especially salient in Colorado, where Amendment A was passed in 2018 to eliminate slavery as punishment for a crime across the state, yet Colorado prisoners are still exploited for forced, close to unpaid labor. End Slavery Colorado will provide a few speakers to provide a mixture of short informational sessions and answers to questions:

Kym Ray, Together Colorado
Michael Gibson Light, DU Professor of Sociology and Criminology 
Wendy Howell, Organizer for Amendment A 
Abron Arrington, an individual impacted by Colorado's forced labor
Valerie Collins, Towards Justice, attorney in current Colorado prison labor lawsuits

The panel will be followed by a reception for panelists and guests with free food and drink.