Alumni & Friends

Spanning the globe, University of Denver Sturm College of Law alumni are leaders in their professions. As advisors, mentors, donors, and advocates, our alumni are our greatest resource.

We seek to provide our alumni with tools to support their professional goals, from career services to continuing education and networking opportunities.

We also invite our alumni to partner with us in a multitude of ways, including by volunteering, making philanthropic investments, and serving as champions for the Sturm College of Law.

Upcoming Events  |  Volunteer  News  Alumni Resources

scholarship recipient and alumni

Upcoming Events

April 3: The Denver Difference Chicago Launch Celebration 
April 3: Ved Nanda Center Visit and Lecture by Lech Garlicki 
April 15: Career Transitions and Myth Busting 
May 15: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome 

May 15-17: 20-Year Reunion Weekend (Class of 2005) 
     May 15: Alumni Golf Tournament 
     May 16: Class of 2005 Reunion Tour and Happy Hour
     May 17: Law School Commencement
     May 17: DU Vin Wine Tasting

June 13-14: 50-Year Reunion Weekend (Class of 1975) 
November: DU Law Stars

Law School Calendar

For more information on law school events, check out the law school calendar.

photo of pinwheels in grass


Volunteers play a critical role in the success of the law school and our students. There are numerous ways to share your time and talent with the Sturm College of Law community, including by becoming a professional mentor, collaborating with the Career Development Office or Externship Office, and becoming involved with diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.

  • Alumni Council


    The objectives of the Alumni Council of the University of Denver Sturm College of Law are:

    • To stimulate and encourage the loyalty and enthusiasm of law school alumni in order to promote the general welfare of the law school, its alumni, students, faculty, and administration
    • To serve as a bridge between the law school and its alumni
    • To initiate, recommend, and support policies, programs and activities that will further the interests of the law school, its student body, and the general legal community

    Who is on the Executive Committee? 

    Check back soon for more information on the Alumni Council’s Executive Committee!

    How can I join the Alumni Council? 

    Check back soon for more information on the nomination process!

  • Dean’s Advisory Board

    Check back soon for more information!

  • Professional Mentoring Program

    Click here to learn more about the Professional Mentoring Program:

    Professional Mentoring Program

  • Career Development Office

    Throughout the academic year, the Career Development Office hosts programs on law school professional development and specific topics and areas of law, as well as networking events and career fairs. For more information on potential volunteer opportunities associated with these programs and events, please contact

Photo of honorees at 2023 Law Stars event


As leaders and innovators in the community, our alumni are engaged in newsworthy endeavors. Check out how your fellow alumni are working to create positive change, and stay up to date on the latest news from the law school.

Not receiving our quarterly alumni newsletters? Email to get on the distribution list.

photo of Ricketson Law Building

Alumni Resources

When you graduate from the University of Denver Sturm College of Law, you’re getting more than a diploma – you’re joining a community devoted to lifelong support and continuous growth.

Career Services

No matter where you are in your career, we’re here to help. Our Career Development Office offers personalized career coaching, materials review, professional development resources, and access to a large professional network. Contact for more information.

Continuing Legal Education

Resources & Benefits

Click here to learn about even more resources and benefits: 

Resources & Benefits

photo of law library skylight

Update Your Information

Have a new email, address, or job? Update us here!

Update Your Info

Alumni & Advancement Staff

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Denver Law gear

Gear Up!

Show your law school spirit with Denver Law gear! We've got everything from sweatshirts and tumblers to license plate holders and decals, all dedicated to the Sturm College of Law.  

Denver Law Gear
