Philip Tedeschi
Professional Biography
Tedeschi is globally recognized for expertise in the clinical methods of animal-assisted interventions and human-animal interaction and conflict. He received his MSSW degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where his specialization was the bio-affiliative connection between people and animals.
Tedeschi's research, scholarship, presentations, training, and community practice work have focused on human-animal interactions, conservation, human ecology, causes of violence toward people and animals, environmental social work, experiential therapy, and forensic social work practice. Tedeschi is a certified Master Therapeutic Riding Instructor, former course director and instructor with Outward Bound, wilderness medical technician, forensic evaluator for interpersonal violence, and animal abuse and has many years of experience in non-traditional therapeutic approaches with children, adults, and families. He specializes in the therapeutic potential of human-animal interaction, trauma informed methods, and intervention in interpersonal violence, including assessment and intervention with animal abuse.