Grade Information

Viewing Grades

  1. Log in to MyDU.
  2. Locate and expand the “Student Tools” widget.
  3. Click the “My Grades” link.
  4. If you need help accessing your grades, please call the Registrar’s Office and one of the staff members will assist you.

If you need help logging on to the system, please call the Registrar’s Office and one of the staff members will assist you.


  • It’s been three weeks since my exam, why isn’t my grade posted?

    Professors have 3 weeks after the last day of the final examination period to submit their grades to the Office of the Registrar. Once submitted, grades are reviewed to ensure they fit into the mandated mean and median, which may require several adjustments by the professor. Grades received for anonymous classes then need to be matched up with identifying student information prior to posting. This process can take some time. All grades that have been received and processed will be released to students beginning on the day after the grading deadline posted for faculty, and then every weekday thereafter as they are received and processed until all grades are posted. Grades will not post on the weekend. Most grades will be posted within 30 days following the last day of exams.

  • All my friends have their grades posted, but mine isn’t. What’s wrong?

    Typically, grades are not posted for a class until all grades for that class have been submitted. If your classmates have received their grades and you have not, there may be an issue, so drop us a note and we’ll check it out:

  • My professor says the grades were turned in two weeks ago. Why aren’t they posted yet?

    Receiving grades from a faculty member is only the first step in the grading process; grades cannot be posted until they are finalized. The staff in the Office of the Registrar make grade processing a top priority during the period after exams and before the start of a new term. The Associate Dean, the Registrar and the professor may have to review the grades and make adjustments several times before grades meet the required mean/median.. Additionally, fall exams are being graded during University holiday closures. Once received and processed, the earliest day that a student can view their grades in MyDU is the initial grade release date—the day after the grading deadline for faculty—even if grades are received early. This is to allow faculty and staff the time that is necessary to ensure that posted grades are accurate, and also to minimize student anxiety caused by checking for grades to post while they are still in process.

  • Why is there no “Highest Grade” listed for my class?

    Professors are encouraged but not required to indicate the highest score received for each class they teach. If a professor indicates that a student received the highest score in the class, the student will be notified via email at the end of the grading period that they have received the Scholastic Excellence Award for that class.

  • How do I check my score on an exam?

    Professors are encouraged to submit their graded exams to the Registrar’s Office; however, this is not mandatory. Some professors retain their exams. Exams that are available for review in the Office of the Registrar will be listed on the website.

    Curving information and grade distribution will not be released to students. If students have specific requests for information about individual scores, the Registrar’s Office will work with the Associate Dean and the faculty to determine what information is appropriate to release to the student.

  • What if my exam is not in the Registrar’s Office?

    If your professor has kept graded exams, please contact your professor directly regarding exam review.