Martin Katz
Professor of Law
Former Law School Dean and University Chief Innovation Officer
303-871-6301 (Office)
Office 415C, Frank H. Ricketson Law Bldg., 2255 East Evans Ave. Denver, CO 80208
Constitutional Law, Employment and Labor Law, Workplace Law
Professional Biography
Marty Katz is a nationally recognized leader in legal education and a nationally recognized scholar in the fields of constitutional law and employment law.
He is currently a Professor of Law, teaching and writing about Constitutional Law and Employment Law. He recently served as University Chief Innovation Officer and, before that, Dean of the Sturm College of Law.
As University Chief Innovation Officer, he created a portfolio of initiatives to accelerate value in higher education, including cross-disciplinary and community-connected learning opportunities, new course and program formats, and new delivery methods. He developed an online education strategy for the university, and built the structure and capacity to execute that strategy. And he led Project X-ITE, the university’s cross-disciplinary entrepreneurship hub, igniting an innovator’s mindset among students and faculty, and connecting the University to Denver’s rapidly expanding innovation ecosystem.
As Dean for 7 years, he led Denver Law in the development and implementation of a major strategic plan, which included initiatives in specialization and experiential learning. As a result, Denver Law became a national leader in experiential education, with offerings such as its path-breaking Experiential Advantage CurriculumTM, which permits students to spend a full year of their legal education doing apprentice-based, experiential learning with real or simulated clients. At the same time, Denver Law’s faculty doubled its scholarly productivity. Under Dean Katz’s leadership, Denver Law moved up 21 places in US News’ law school rankings, had five specialty programs ranked in the Top 15 by US News, and received recognition as one of America’s 20 Most Innovative Law Schools.
Professor Katz is a founding board member of Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers, a national consortium of law schools that serve as leaders in the experiential education movement. He also serves as a board member for the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System.
He has published extensively on the future of legal education, as well as in the fields of constitutional law and employment law. His work on legal education appears in the new Building on Best Practices book, in peer-reviewed journals such as The Journal of Legal Education and Journal of Experiential Education, and in the Emory Law Journal. His work on antidiscrimination law has appeared in the Georgetown Law Journal, the Notre Dame Law Review, the Indiana Law Journal, the Hastings Law Journal, and the Yale Law Journal. His work on separation of powers has appeared in Constitutional Commentary, a peer-reviewed journal. He has lectured extensively on these topics and has made numerous media appearances in both local and national outlets.
The National Jurist selected him as #4 on their 2014 “Most Influential People in Legal Education” list. He has been ranked in the Top 10 on that list for the last three years.
Prior to teaching full time, Professor Katz was a partner in the employment law group at Davis, Graham & Stubbs in Denver, Colorado and a law clerk to the Honorable David M. Ebel of the U.S. Court of Appeals. In his spare time, Professor Katz flies search and rescue missions for the Civil Air Patrol.
View CV & Resume
- JD, Yale Law School, 1991
- BA, Economics, Harvard College, 1987
Licensure / Accreditations
- U.S. Supreme Court, Admitted to Practice Law
- U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit, Admitted to Practice Law
- State of Colorado, Admitted to Practice Law
- U.S District Court: District of Colorado, Admitted to Practice Law
- U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit, Admitted to Practice Law
Featured Publications
View Publications, Presentations and Media
Bostock and the Limits of Textualism: A Structuralist Approach, forthcoming in WILLIAM & MARY L. REV. (Vol 66, April 2025).
A Rosetta Stone for Causation, 127 YALE L.J. F. 877 (2018).
Transforming Legal Education as an Imperative in Today's World: Leadership and Curricular Change (with Kenneth Margolis), in BUILDING ON BEST PRACTICES: TRANSFORMING LEGAL EDUCATION IN A CHANGING WORLD (Deborah Maranville et al., eds.) (Lexis 2015).
Rethinking the Curriculum for Balance (with Kenneth Margolis), in BUILDING ON BEST PRACTICES: TRANSFORMING LEGAL EDUCATION IN A CHANGING WORLD (Deborah Maranville et al., eds.) (Lexis 2015).
Understanding the Costs of Experiential Legal Education, 1 J. EXPERIENTIAL EDUC. 28 (Winter 2014-2015) (peer reviewed).
Analyzing Carnegie’s Reach: The Contingent Nature of Innovation (with Stephen Daniels and William Sullivan), 63 J. OF LEGAL EDUC. 585 (2014) (peer reviewed).
Facilitating Better Law Teaching – Now, 62 EMORY L.J. 823 (2013).
Gross Disunity, 114 PENN. ST. L. REV. 857 (2010).
Guantanamo, Boumediene, and Jurisdiction-Stripping: The Imperial President Meets the Imperial Court, 25 CONSTITUTIONAL COMMENTARY 377 (2009) (peer reviewed).
Unifying Disparate Treatment (Really), 59 HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL 643 (2008).
Reclaiming McDonnell Douglas, 83 NOTRE DAME LAW REVIEW 109 (2007).
The Fundamental Incoherence of Title VII: Making Sense of Causation in Disparate Treatment Law, 94 GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL 489 (2006).
Reconsidering Attraction in Sexual Harassment, 79 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL 101 (2004).
The Economics of Discrimination: The Three Fallacies of Croson, 100 YALE LAW JOURNAL 1033 (1991).
Insurance and the Limits of Rational Discrimination, 8 YALE LAW & POLICY REVIEW 436 (1990).
Has the Meaning of “Because Of” Finally Been Solved? worklaw.jotwell.com (Jul. 18, 2022).
Making Sense of Causation in Mixed Movies Cases, worklaw.jotwell.com (Feb. 21, 2018).
Fred Cheever – The Denver Law Ideal, 95 DENVER LAW REVIEW 15 (2017).
Encouraging this Particular Form of (Very Fun) Madness – Roles for Deans and Faculty Members (with Phoenix Cai), 18 TRANSACTIONS: THE TENNESSEE JOURNAL OF BUSINESS LAW 503 (Winter 2016).
The Experiential Course Book I Have Been Waiting For (Review of Rachel Arnow-Richman and Nantiya Ruan, Developing Professional Skills: Workplace Law (West 2016)), IAALS Online Issues Blog (Dec. 14, 2016).
Teaching Professional Identity in Law School, 42 COLO. LAWYER, No. 10, p. 45 (October 2013).
The New Normal: Adding Value, Managing Costs, and Participating in the Conversation – A Dean’s View, Legal Rebels Blog, ABA Journal (2/14/13).
Hoisted by their Own Petard: Struve Applies Pretext Analysis to the Court, Finds Justices’ Motives Questionable, worklaw.jotwell.com (Jan. 21, 2011).
No Intent, No Foul? Unconscious Bias in Employment Decisions, 30 LEGAL TIMES, No. 21, p.35 (May 21, 2007).
Just When You Thought it was Safe . . . Nannygate II: The Sequel, 23 COLO. LAWYER 581 (March 1994).
How to Publish Your Seminar Paper, Sturm College of Law, Civil Rights & Remedies Program, Denver, CO (8/31/22).
Introduction to CUIC (the Colorado Universities Innovation Council), to Colorado Department of Higher Education Academic Council, Online (11/16/2021).
Inclusive Pedagogy by Design: Designing for Concrete Connections to the Current Socio- Political Context. Inaugural Kitchen Table Webinar with Dr. Valentina Iturbi-Graves, Online (4/20/2021).
From Student to Associate – A Holistic Approach to Experiential Training, National Association of Law Placement (NALP) Professional Development Institute (panelist), Online (12/4/20).
Talent Development, Legal Lab (panelist), Online (9/17/20).
COVID Testing and Contact Tracing, University of Denver Alumni Club (moderator), Online (7/20/20).
Teaching Entrepreneurship in a Global Context, U.S. Dept. of State International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) on Women and Entrepreneurship, Denver, CO (8/15/19).
Graduation Speech, CiviCO Leap Program, Denver, CO (6/27/19).
Innovation in Legacy Organizations, EY Leadership Academy, Denver, CO (6/7/19).
Entrepreneurial Mindset - Your Professional Growth (with Colo. Attorney General Phil Weiser, former Denver City Attorney Scott Martinez), Government Entrepreneurial Leadership Accelerator, Boulder, CO (5/22/19).
Effective Leadership and Administration (with Provost Jeremy Haefner and Vice Chancellor David Greenberg), American Council of Education Fellows Program, Denver, CO (4/22/19).
Data and Privacy Introduction, FCBA-IAA Conference, Denver, CO (4/10/19).
Innovation in Higher Education, Cable Center Ambassador’s Council, Denver, CO (2/6//19) Teaching Entrepreneurship, InnovationMap Delegation, Denver, CO (11/5/18). Entrepreneurial Mindset - Your Professional Growth (with Prof. and former Dean Phil Weiser), Government Entrepreneurial Leadership Accelerator, Boulder, CO (5/14/18).
Leadership Development for Faculty Members and Senior Staff: Collaboration between Law School and University, Discussion Leader, Association of American Law Schools Conference, San Diego, CA (1/6/18).
Confronting Challenges in Legal Education and the Legal Profession—Thought Leaders Talk Leadership, Culture, and Innovation: Entrepreneurial Leadership, Discussion Leader (with Dean Patricia White), Association of American Law Schools Conference, San Diego, CA (1/6/18).
Experiential Learning 2.0 – Cross-Disciplinary Experiential Learning, Wolters Kluwer Legal Education, Leading Edge Conference, Chicago, IL (7/12/17).
Encouraging this Particular Form of (Very Fun) Madness – Roles for Deans and Faculty Members (with Prof. Phoenix Cai), Keynote Address at 2016 Biennial Transactional Law Conference, Emory Law School, Atlanta, GA (6/11/16).
Deciding Whether and Where to go to Law School, Contemporary Legal Issues Class, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO (4/19/16).
Innovation and Experiential Learning in Legal Education, Colorado Connections Series, University of Colorado Law School, Boulder, CO (4/18/16).
Law School Rankings: Perspectives of US News, Princeton Review, and National Jurist (panel chair, with Editors-in-Chief for each publication), AALS Annual Conference, New York, NY (1/9/16).
Connecting the Dots: Using Data and Dashboards Effectively (panel), AALS Annual Conference, Deans Forum Plenary Program, New York, NY (1/8/16).
Why a Legal Education is Still Valuable, Contemporary Legal Issues Class, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO (11/30/15).
Colorado’s Plan: A Template for Moving Forward (panel), at Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers Conference, Denver, CO (10/3/15).
Leading in Good Times and Bad, Colorado Bar Association Leadership Training Workshop, Steamboat Springs, CO (5/15/15).
Changes in Legal Education – How Law Schools Are Preparing Students to Thrive in a Changing Legal Environment (with Dean Phil Weiser, CU Law), Thomson Marsh Inn of Court, Denver, CO (5/7/15).
Implementing Innovation in Law Schools, President’s Program (panel) at the Association of American Law Schools Annual Conference, Washington, DC (1/3/15).
Mock Mediation of an Employment Law Case, for the Colorado Defense Lawyers Association, Telluride, CO (7/26/14).
Examination of the Impact on Professionalism Arising From the Various Proposals for Change in Legal Education, Presentation (panel) to the Judicial Institute on Professionalism in the Law and New York State Bar Association Convocation, White Plains, NY (5/22/14).
Fireless Chat on International Law and Political Affairs, Presentation with Harold Koh (Sterling Professor of International Law, Yale Law School) and Chris Hill (Dean, Josef Korbel School of International Studies) at the University of Denver, Denver, CO (5/16/14).
Apprenticeship Programs in Legal Education, Presentation to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Meeting, Denver, CO (5/13/14).
DA Fellowship Bill, Testified before the Colorado State Senate on SB 1774: Prosecution Fellowship Program, Denver, CO (4/9/14).
How Can Externships Reform Legal Education? Presentation (panel) to Externships 7 Conference, Denver, CO (2/28/14).
Pay Equity Presentation (panel) to the Colorado Women’s Bar Association, Denver, CO (2/27/14).
The Changing Face of Legal Education: New Programs and New Delivery, Presentation (panel) to ABA Deans’ Workshop, Atlanta, GA (2/21/14).
The Future of Law School (with Dean Phil Weiser, CU Law) to the Colorado Bar Association Board of Governors, Colorado Springs, CO (11/9/13).
Deans’ Panel: The Pedagogy and Business of Legal Education Reform, Presentation (panel) at Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers Conference, Denver, CO (10/4/13).
Deans Panel, Presentation to Hispanic National Bar Association, Denver, CO (9/7/13).
Keynote Address, Presentation to Bar Admissions Ceremony, Colorado Bar, Denver, CO (5/28/13).
Facilitating Classroom Innovation to Make Better Lawyers (Now), Presentation to Thrower Symposium - Innovation for the Modern Era: Law, Policy and Legal Practice in a Changing World, Emory Law School (2/9/12).
Popular Constitutionalism and the Uses of History in Constitutional Arguments, moderator, Byron White Center Annual Rothgerber Conference, Denver, CO (1/28/11).
The Future of Legal Education and Federal Practice, Keynote address to Federal Judges Roundtable (sponsored by Faculty of Federal Advocates), Denver, CO (11/6/10).
Systemic Innovation at Denver Law, Presentation to Legal Education Reform after Carnegie: Bringing Law-in-Action into the Law School Classroom, University of Wisconsin (10/23/10).
American Constitutional Law, Presentation to Brazilian Federal Judicial Conference, University of Denver (2/15/10).
State Attorneys General: Prosecutors or Public Policy Makers? (with Colo. Attorney General John Suthers), Federalist Society, Denver, CO (10/22/09).
What Constitutional Law can Learn from Employment Discrimination Law, Presentation to the Third Annual Colloquium on Current Scholarship in Labor & Employment Law, University of San Diego (10/24/08).
Boumediene, Guantanamo, and Jurisdiction-Stripping: The Imperial Presidency Meets the Imperial Judiciary, Presentation to DU Law School Community, sponsored by DU Law Review (9/30/08).
2008 Case Law and Legislative Update, Presentation to the Colorado Bar Association CLE 2008 Employment Law Conference, Denver, CO (2/21/08).
Unifying Disparate Treatment, Presentation to the Second Annual Colloquium on Current Scholarship in Labor & Employment Law, Univ. of Denver and Univ. of Colorado (9/28/07).
What are Constitutions For?, Presentation with Susan Sterett (Chair, DU Political Science Dept.) in DU Partners for Learning Program, Denver, CO (9/18/07).
Preview of the Upcoming Supreme Court Term. Panel discussions with Alan Chan (DU Law School) and Melissa Hart (CU Law School). Sponsored by the American Constitutional Society, Denver, CO (10/31/06 and 11/7/06).
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love McDonnell Douglas (and Unified Disparate Treatment Law in the Process), First Annual Colloquium on Current Scholarship in Labor & Employment Law, Marquette University Law School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (10/27/06).
Causation in Disparate Treatment Law, presentation to the Tenth Circuit Judicial Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado (9/7/06).
Academic Freedom, panel discussion with Ward Churchill (CU Ethnic Studies) and Walter Gerash at New Directions in the Study of Race and Ethnicity Conference, University of Colorado (4/22/06).
Changes in the Supreme Court, presentation to the Rocky Mountain Harvard University Club, Evening Lecture Series, Denver, Colorado (11/13/05).
The Future of the Supreme Court, panel discussion with John Holcomb and Corey Ciocchetti, both of Daniels College of Business. Sponsored by Daniels Business Ethics and Law Society, Denver, Colorado (10/5/05).
Contemporary Issues in Academic Freedom, round table discussion with Alan Chen, Richard Collins (CU Law School), and David Mapel (CU Political Science Dep’t). Sponsored by DU Law Review and DU Faculty Development Committee, Denver, Colorado (4/22/05).
Recent Developments in the Law of Diversity: The Michigan Cases and What they Mean for our Workplaces and Schools, presentation to the Colorado Workplace Equity Coalition, 20th Annual Conference, Making Diversity a Strategic Business Imperative, Denver, Colorado (Oct. 2004).
Structure of American Constitutional Law, presentation to Student Exchange Group from Warsaw School of Economics, Denver, Colorado (Oct. 2004).
Unpacking Causation in Disparate Treatment Law, presentation to University of Colorado School of Law Summer Workshop Presentation, Boulder, Colorado (July 2004).
Point/Counterpoint: Affirmative Action – A Corporate Perspective, moderator, Corporate Diversity Initiatives Forum at the University of Denver, Denver, Colorado (with Colorado State Senators Ed Jones and Peter Groff) (May 2004).
Hot Topics in Workplace Privacy Law, panelist, Privacy Foundation, Corporate Privacy Seminar, Denver, Colorado (May 2004). Harassment, presentation to State of Colorado, Department of Personnel & Administration, Denver, Colorado (April 2004).
The Proposed Federal Marriage Amendment, debated issue in presentation to Rhone- Brackett Inn of Court, Denver, Colorado (April 2004).
Developments in the Law of Harassment, presentation to State of Colorado Professional Development Center Seminar (April 2004).
Unpacking Causation in Disparate Treatment Law, Work in Progress Presentation to Faculty at University of Denver College of Law (April 2004).
Same-Sex Marriage, moderated debate sponsored by Christian Legal Society, DU Outlaws, College Republicans, ACLU, and the National Lawyers’ Guild, Denver, Colorado (March 2004).
Civil Rights After 9/11 (Two Years Later), presentation to a joint meeting of the Alfred Arraj and Rhone-Brackett Inns of Court, Denver, Colorado (Feb. 2004).
Employment and Anti-Discrimination Law in the United States, presentation to MACLAW Association, DU, Denver, Colorado (Feb. 2003).
Sexual Harassment and Attraction, presentation to Plaintiffs Employment Lawyers Association, DU Chapter, Denver, Colorado (Feb. 2003).
Marbury v. Madison: Judicial Activism, Then and Now, presentation to Educating for Citizenship Conference, Sponsored by Center for Education in Law and Democracy, the Colorado Bar Association, and the Colorado Supreme Court Committee on Public Education, Denver, Colorado (Dec. 2002).
Whose Business is It Anyway? Privacy in the Workplace. Presentation at Winning "No-Win" Employment Situations, Employment Law Seminar, Hale, Hackstaff & Tymkovich LLP, Denver, Colorado (Sept. 2002).
Balancing Civil Liberties and Security, presentation to Center for Education in Law and Democracy Summer Institute, Denver, Colorado (June 2002).
Bearing False Witness, The Commandments: A Legacy Program, Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Denver and the Denver Institute for Jewish Studies (May 2002).
On-Line Communication Platforms for Courses, presentation to University of Denver College of Law Faculty (April 2002).
Are You A Patriot: The USA PATRIOT ACT, panel discussion sponsored by the Chancellor Scholars at University of Denver School of Law (March 2002).
Ethical Issues in Employment Relations in the Technology Sector, The Future of High Tech Startups, Silicon Flatirons Telecommunications Program at the University of Colorado (Feb. 2002).
When Sexual Harassment Is -- And Is Not -- Discrimination, Work in Progress Presentation to Faculty at University College of Law (Dec. 2001).
Balancing Liberty and Security, American Civil Liberties Union, Denver, Colorado (Nov. 2001).
Litigating a Plaintiff's Harassment and Discrimination Case, Presentation to University of Denver College of Law Chapter of National Employment Law Association (Oct. 2001).
Pro Bono Practice (panel), University of Denver, American Civil Liberties Union, and the National Lawyers' Guild (Sept. 2001).
Are You Being Properly Compensated: Gender Issues and Strategies in Law Firm Compensation, Colorado Women’s Bar Association (Feb. 2001).
Employees as Strategic Assets – Retention of Secrets and Loyalty, Silicon Flatirons Telecommunications Program on the Future of High Tech Startups, University of Colorado School of Law (Feb. 2001).
Teaching with Technology: Communications and Web Technology for Law Teaching, Presentation to Faculty at University of Denver College of Law (Sept. 2000).
Violence in the Workplace, Speaker and Round Table Participant, Colorado Attorney General’s Conference on Violence in the Workplace (Feb. 2000).
The Economics of Discrimination and Affirmative Action, Presentation to Faculty at University of Denver College of Law (Feb. 2000).
A No-Fault Regime for Termination of Employment, Presentation to Faculties at University of San Diego School of Law and University of Richmond School of Law (Jan. 2000).
Labor and Employment Law Overview, Guest Speaker, Health Care Management, University of Denver School of Business Administration (March 1999).
The Web Gets More Tangled: The FMLA, the ADA and Workers Compensation, Labor and Employment Seminar (Sept. and Oct. 1998).
Family and Medical Leave Act Update, Council on Education in Management (July 1998).
Covenants Not to Compete, Boulder County Bar Association (April 1998).
Same-Sex Sexual Harassment after Oncale, Colorado Bar Association Labor Law Forum (March 1998).
Problem Employees: Legal Issues and Practical Solutions, Labor and Employment Seminar (Sept. and Oct. 1997).
Employment Law Issues in Mergers and Acquisitions, The Cambridge Institute (June 1997). Protecting Against Violence in the Workplace, Colo. Human Resource Ass’n (Jan. 1997). Gay Rights in the Workplace, Labor and Employment Seminar (Sept. and Oct. 1996). Intellectual Property and Your Employees: What Happens if I do Nothing -- and What Can I Do?, Employment and Intellectual Property Seminar (Aug. 1996).
Sexual Harassment Trial Strategies: The Best Defenses, Seminar (April 1996).
Interviewing, Mi Casa Resource Center for Women, Employment Program (1995).
Defamation in the Workplace, Labor and Employment Seminar (May 1994) (and additional client seminars on this topic).
Media Appearances
Interviewed in WalletHub. Topic: Labor Day Facts (8/31/22).
Quoted in University of Denver Newsroom. Topic: The Bailey Center (10/14/21).
Quoted in Law Week Colorado. Topic: New Law Grads Get New Opportunity for Transactional Training (11/30/20).
Interviewed in Colorado Lawyer. Topic: Can Entrepreneurial Principles Make You a Better Lawyer? (entrepreneurship training in legal education) (Jan. 2020).
Interviewed on TrustedPeer Entrepreneurship Network. Topic: Project X-ITE (12/17/19).
Quoted in Law Week Colorado. Topic: DU Law Students Lead New Venture Fund (9/27/19) (and 9/23/19 expanded).
Interviewed on WalletHub. Topic: The Biggest Threats Facing Working People Today (8/27/19).
Quoted in TaxProf Blog. Topic: University Of Washington Delays Launch Of New Law School In Tacoma (2/19/17).
Quoted in Tacoma News Tribune. Topic: UW Tacoma Law School Vision Remains Years Away (2/17/17).
Quoted in Technology Transfer Tactics. Topic: Project X-ITE (interdisciplinary initiative on innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship) (August 2016).
Interviewed in The Docket. Topic: A Conversation with Dean Martin Katz (5/31/2016).
Quoted in Tacoma News Tribune. Topic: Law School at UW Tacoma Would be Separate from Seattle Program (4/20/16).
Quoted in Law Week Colorado. Topic: Mentoring is Key to Diversity in Profession (5/9/16). Quoted in PreLaw Magazine. Topic: How Costly are Clinics? (Spring 2016).
Interviewed on The Oklahoma Legal Group Blog. Topic: State and Future of Legal Education (10/20/15).
Quoted in New York Times. Topic: Study Cites Lower Standards in Law School Admissions (10/26/15) (Denver Law cited as example of positive approach).
Quoted in Law Week Colorado. Topic: DU Sturm College of Law Gets $10.5 Million in Endowed Scholarships (8/14/15).
Quoted in Law Week Colorado. Topic: Justifying the Value of Legal Education (8/12/15).
Quoted in Wall Street Journal. Topic: Law Schools Fight Bar Association over how Graduates’ Jobs are Counted (7/30/15).
Interviewed in LawDragon Campus Dean Limelight (6/21/15).
Quoted in Denver Business Journal. Topic: Brownstein Hyatt gift to DU and CU Law (5/1/15).
Quoted in Law Week Colorado. Topic: Law Practice Management Certificate at Denver Law (8/14/14).
Interviewed for the DU “Pioneers in Education Series”. Topic: The importance of law school and producing practice-ready lawyers (1/28/14).
Quoted in Law Week Colorado. Topic: Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Colorado (1/6/14).
Quoted in Pre Law Magazine. Topic: Experiential training program at Denver Law (6/11/13). Quoted in the National Jurist. Topic: Mulligan Burleson Chair in Modern Learning (3/24/13). Q&A in Legal On Ramp. Topic: Some Questions for Martin Katz (on future of legal education) (March 13, 2013).
Quoted in LawScribbler blog, ABA Journal. Topic: Now is the time to go to law school (2/7/13).
Quoted in Law Week Colorado. Topic: Answers to critical news stories of law schools (2/5/13).
Quoted in ABA Journal. Topic: Law school’s audit of its employment statistics (July 2012). In-depth interview (with CU Law Dean) in the Colorado Lawyer. Topic: A dean’s perspective on law school (June 2013).
Quoted in the National Jurist. Topic: Creating practice-ready lawyers (October 2011). Interviewed for Colorado Public Radio’s “Colorado Matters.” Topic: Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers and law school response to the changing legal profession (8/22/11).
Quoted in the National Law Journal. Topic: Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers and the changing legal profession (8/22/11).
Quoted in Denver Post. Topic: Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers website and interactive learning (8/22/11).
Quoted in Law Week Colorado. Topic: Law school strategic plan and experiential learning (6/27/11).
Quoted in Boulder Daily Camera. Topic: Ward Churchill ruling (11/25/10).
Quoted in Denver Post. Topic: Obama administration stops defending DOMA (2/24/10). Quoted in the National Jurist. Topic: New deanship (2/10/10).
Interviewed for National Public Radio. Topic: Website offering to falsify employment histories for job applicants (12/10/09).
Quoted in Denver Post. Topic: Bias suits against Jefferson County Administrator (9/10/09). Quoted in several media outlets, including Chronicle of Higher Education, Denver Post, Boulder Daily Camera, and Colorado Daily. Topic: Ruling in Ward Churchill reinstatement hearing (7/7-22/09).
Quoted in Boulder Daily Camera. Topic: Ward Churchill reinstatement hearing (7/1/09). Television appearance on Channel 7 news at. Topic: Sexual harassment and retaliation claim at Sears (6/24/09).
Radio appearance on Caplan and Silverman show on KHOW AM 630. Topic: Ward Churchill verdict (4/3/09).
Quoted in Boulder Daily Camera. Topic: Ward Churchill verdict (4/3/09, 4/4/09, 4/6/09). Quoted in Boulder Daily Camera. Topic: Ward Churchill trial (3/7/09).
Television appearance on Channel 7 News. Topic: Employment privacy issue in investigation of Metro State College employee (1/26/09).
Quoted in National Law Journal on front page of special insert. Topic: Confusion Reigns in Workplace Bias Jurisprudence: The Circuits Struggle to Find a Bright-Line Rule for Weighing Evidence of Race and Sex Bias (10/30/06).
Quoted in Wall St. Journal, page B3. Topic: Wal-Mart Workers Awarded $172M (12/23/05). Guest on Good Day Colorado with Steve Kelley on Fox 31. Live interview. Topic:Confirmation process for Supreme Court Chief Justice nominee John Roberts (9/12/05).
Quoted in Denver Post on Page B1. Topic: Coors Brewing Accused of Age Bias (10/8/04).
Guest on Tom Greene Morning Show (Channel 2). Live interview. Topic: Amending the Constitution: The proposed Federal Marriage Amendment (2/27/04).
Guest on the Drawing the Line with Reggie Rivers (Channel 12). One hour live panel. Topic: Religion and Government (10/22/03).
Guest on the Drawing the Line with Reggie Rivers (Channel 12). One hour live panel. Topic: Columbus Day Parade and Protesters (10/8/03).
Television appearance on Channel 4 News. Topic: Distribution of jury nullification pamphlet by Jefferson County Treasurer (10/7/03).
Quoted in Denver Post on Page 1. Topic: Distribution of jury nullification pamphlet by Jefferson County Treasurer (10/1/03).
Quoted in Denver Post. Topic: Severance payment offered in exchange for resignation of Jefferson County Sheriff with possible alcohol abuse issues (7/12/03).
Solo Guest on Nicole Houston Show (Channel 57). Half hour live interview. Topic: Michigan affirmative action decisions (6/25/03).
Interview with Julia Scheeres, Wired magazine. Topic: Web sites that encourage and aid in suicide (1/23/03).
Television appearance on 9 News to discuss USA Patriot Act (various broadcasts 9/02). Television appearance on Fox News to discuss ruling of 9th Circuit panel in Newdow v. U.S. (case re Pledge of Allegiance) (6/26/02).
Quoted in Denver Post on Page B1. Topic: Vigilant about Workplace Violence (2/13/2000).