National Trial Teams Undefeated in National Trial Competition Regional Contest

National Trial Teams are Undefeated in the National Trial Competition Regional Contest
In spring 2020, students on both of the University of Denver Sturm College of Law National Trial Teams were undefeated in their brackets at the National Trial Competition (NTC) Regionals in Seattle, Washington; this feat earned both teams the right to compete at the National Trial Championships, advancing them to the competition in Ft. Worth, Texas.
The NTC was founded in 1975, serving as the largest law school educational trial advocacy competition in the U.S. NTC maintains a dedication to “encourage and strengthen students’ advocacy skills through quality competition and valuable interaction with members of the bench and bar.” Co-sponsored by the American College of Trial Lawyers (ACTL), NCT is an educational avenue that integrates the process of trial preparation and practice to students participating in their schodents National Trial Teams. The competition is presented by the Texas Young Lawyers Association, bringing together more than one thousand law students annually and featuring teams from 140 law schools.
In the last decade, the University of Denver Sturm College of Law’s National Trial Team has advanced seven teams to nationals, but never have two teams, featuring only 2L students, achieved this remarkable feat like our 2020 National Trial Teams accomplished. Congratulations to the participating students!