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Denver Law Graduate Named Law Student of the Year

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Sturm College of Law

Announcement  •
Alumni, Students  •
Stephanie Wise

Stephanie Wise, who graduated this month with a JD from the University of Denver Sturm College of Law, has been honored as one of eight Law Students of the Year in the Spring 2024 issue of the National Jurist, the leading legal education publication in the country. The National Jurist selected the eight students by asking each law school to nominate one student, and the final honoree selection was made by the editors of the publication.

In nominating Wise, Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Alexi Freeman noted that “Stephanie embodies the ethically-minded professionalism we strive to impart on all Sturm College of Law students; she will surely become a significant force for youth advocacy in Colorado and the nation.” Wise is further recognized by the publication for her championship of volunteerism among her fellow students, and the article notes that she also was named Volunteer of the Year by Learn Your Rights in Colorado, a nonprofit composed of volunteer attorneys who advocate for youth to exercise their constitutional rights.

During her time as a student at the Sturm College of Law, Wise externed at Denver law firm Rathod Mohamedbhai, and now that she has graduated, she plans to start her career as an attorney with the firm once she passes the bar exam. The Sturm College of Law wishes many congratulations to Stephanie on this well-deserved honor.