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Archived Clinic Updates

Fall 2019

Denver Law Clinical Programs' Work Reverberating Both Locally and Nationally

Whether delivered on a national stage or a local one, whether by faculty or by students, our demands for justice are reverberating. Read on to celebrate the many accomplishments of Denver Law’s Clinical Programs this past year, including Professor Laura Rovner's Ted talk which has more than 800,000 views! 

New Clinical Fellows

Denver Law welcomes three new Fellows as our class of Clinical Teaching Fellows grows to six. Joining us this year are Sara HildebrandJesse Loper and Tania Valdez and we welcome back Danielle JefferisSarah Matsumoto and Katherine Wallat.

Fall 2018

A Banner Year for the Clinical Programs at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law

Greetings from the Clinical Programs at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law! It has been an incredible year for our students and faculty members at Denver Law. We are thrilled to announce the promotions of clinicians Kevin Lynch and Lindsey Webb to the rank of Associate Professor with Tenure, and Christopher Lasch to the rank of Professor. We also are excited to welcome Wyatt Sassman to the Environmental Law Clinic and Kristen Uhl Hulse to the Legal Externship Program. This fall we welcomed a new class of clinical fellows and launched the new Immigration Law and Policy Clinic (ILPC), which focuses on representing detained clients who cannot afford counsel. Other highlights include the extraordinary successes of the Civil Rights Clinic, which has won meaningful relief for a Muslim prisoner under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic, which has served more than 90 clients so far this fall, and the ILPC, in which every student worked on a team that won bond and had clients released from detention. These achievements and innovations apparently inspired Professor Lasch to join the co-director photoshoot!

New Leadership for Denver Law's Clinical Programs

Professors Tammy Kuennen and Robin Walker Sterling are now serving as co-directors of DU's Clinical Programs. Their official titles are Ronald V. Yegge Clinical Co-Directors, in recognition of Ronald Yegge and his contributions to the law school's Clinical Programs.

A Rise in Rankings for Denver Law

The University of Denver Sturm College of Law Clinical Programs moved up five spots in the U.S. News & World Report 2018–2019 law school rankings and is now ranked 8th in the country. This marks the eighth consecutive year that the clinical programs have been ranked among the top 20 in the nation.

Clinic Welcomes New Fellows

Join us in welcoming the new class of Clinical Teaching Fellows at Denver Law (l-r): Danielle Jefferis, who has been serving as a Visiting Assistant Professor in our Civil Rights Clinic; Katherine Wallat, who was recently a Clinical Teaching Fellow and Supervising Attorney in Georgetown Law’s Community Justice Project; Sarah Matsumoto, an environmental lawyer from Eugene, Oregon; and Christina Brown, who recently served as a Deputy State Public Defender in Fort Collins, Colo.

Legal Externship Program Tops 500 Placements

Students in the Legal Externship Program collectively devoted close to 120,000 hours in the field this past year. The program hosted 520 externships completed by 386 students and partnered with over 300 supervisors. This past summer, the program welcomed Assistant Professor of the Practice of Law Kristen Uhl Hulse as a full-time permanent faculty member to the externship team.

Spring 2018

Student Attorneys Score Big Wins for Clients, Community Economic Development Clinic awarded grant, and more

A Rise in Rankings for Denver Law

The University of Denver Sturm College of Law Clinical Programs moved up five spots in the U.S. News & World Report 2018–2019 law school rankings and is now ranked 8th in the country. This marks the eighth consecutive year that the clinical programs have been ranked among the top 20 in the nation.

DU Students Score Big Win in Wage-Theft Case

Students in the Civil Litigation Clinic won $15,000 on behalf of four workers whose employer admitted to owing them money but refused to pay

Clinic Receives Grant for Local Redevelopment Legal Assistance

The Community Economic Development (CED) Clinic was awarded a three-year grant totaling $150,000 from the Colorado Lawyer Trust Account Foundation (COLTAF). The grant will be used to support the CED Clinic’s work in three new and critically important areas: conducting rural entrepreneurship workshops, supporting creators of technology advancing social justice, and conducting workplace “Know Your Rights” trainings to help prepare small businesses for encounters with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  The COLTAF award is a grant of restricted funds designated exclusively for community redevelopment legal assistance.

The CED Clinic is a year-long clinic that teaches transactional practice skills to students through the representation of nonprofit corporations, community-based associations and enterprises, small businesses, and artists.  The award is recognition of the outstanding, high quality, and client-centered work the student attorneys in the CED Clinic have provided since the clinic began representing clients in Fall 2011.  

First LLM Fellow Graduates

Congratulations to Tim Estep, Casey Faucon, Nicole Godfrey, and Rachel Moran, the first graduates of Denver Law’s Clinical Teaching LLM Program! It’s hard to believe three years have passed since the fellows began the program at DU. During that time, they’ve developed into skilled clinical teachers who have greatly enriched our program. We will miss them enormously but are excited to see them embark on this next chapter of their careers. Tim Estep will continue his work in public interest environmental law; Casey Faucon will be an Assistant Professor and Director of the Entrepreneurship and Nonprofit Clinic at the University of Alabama School of Law; Nicole Godfrey will be a Visiting Assistant Professor in Denver Law’s Civil Rights Clinic, and Rachel Moran will be an Assistant Professor in the at the University of St. Thomas School of Law where she will be launching a new criminal & juvenile defense clinic.

Fall 2017

Denver Law Clinical Programs ranked No. 13, marking the seventh consecutive year that they have been ranked among the top 20 in the U.S.

The 2017–2018 U.S. News & World Report law school rankings placed the University of Denver Sturm College of Law's Clinical Program 13th, marking the seventh consecutive year that the clinical programs have been ranked among the top 20 in the U.S. Denver Law has also been recognized as the nation's 9th best school for practical training by the National Jurist.


Archived Newsletters

Click the links below to view archived newsletters in PDF format:

Fall 2013

Fall 2012

Spring 2012

Fall 2011

Fall 2010

Spring 2010