Human Rights Seminar Series

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February 20

3:00pm - 4:00pm


Climate Justice and the Right to Development: Friends or Foe?

Professor Surya Deva
UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development
Director, Centre for Environment Law, Macquarie University

The right to development is often seen in conflict with the need to take urgent and decisive climate actions. In this seminar, Prof Surya Deva, will rebut this view and argue that a holistic approach to the right to development provides a sound basis to develop a transformative climate justice framework rooted in principles such as fair distribution, intergenerational equity, intersectionality, common but differentiated responsibilities and self-determination. Drawing on his climate justice framework, Deva will make a case for the world community to embrace a new model of “planet-centred participatory development”. Such a model will not only assist in overcoming the current climate crisis but also support the implementation of the Pact for the Future.

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